• Franklin Saga Drags On

    Franklin has been in the news quite a bit due to the decision to wind-up six of its funds. After deciding to wind-up the funds the fund house was planning to get unit holder's consent for disbursing cash from liquidated papers. However, some investors did not like the decision and started legal proceedings against the fund house. Unit holders filed cases in multiple High Courts. Now we all know how long courts take to pass judgement on just one case. Given there were multiple cases I was not very positive that something will happen any time soon.

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  • Different Types of Investors

    Let me start off with a story. So the other day a friend of mine called me up asking me to help him solve a plumbing problem. He probably thought I was good at plumbing because I have been working on rain water harvesting and drip irrigation. Anyway, he tells me that there is a tap that was constantly leaking water. He tightened it fully, but the water still leaks. Asks me if I have a fix for his problem.

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  • Building a DIY 5.1 Audio Video Receiver – Part 4

    As I mentioned in my last post, after measuring the frequency response and testing the TDA 7498, I decided to buy one more. The board I bought earlier did not have the right LC filter for a 6 ohms speaker. It was designed for 8 ohms speaker. So I decided to use that board for my rear surround speakers which were also 6 ohms. However, it is fine to have a slightly poor quality amp for the rarely used rear speakers.

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  • Investing For Multiple Goals And Portfolios Management

    One of the readers of my blog asked me how I manage multiple portfolios for various goals. They also wanted to know what platform I use to manage portfolios for family. So I thought I will expand a bit on that topic. To start off, I don't have multiple goals. I just had and still have retirement corpus as the only goal. The portfolios I manage for my parents, wife and kid have only one goal as well. However, mine is a unique case and almost everyone have multiple goals. As I mentioned before, every goal needs to have a different portfolio.

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  • Building a DIY 5.1 Audio Video Receiver – Part 3

    The TDA7498 class D amplifier board that I purchased to power my front speakers was working great. The audio quality is at par with what my Pioneer 5.1 AVR delivered using class AB amplifier. I could not tell the difference in audio quality. None the less, I wanted to make sure the quality is really as good as my ears led me to believe. Enter a function generator and oscilloscope to make sure the frequency response is satisfactory over the range of audible frequencies (20 Hz to 20 kHz).

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  • What Is Your Net Worth And Is It Good Enough?

    Sometimes it is worth knowing if your net worth is good enough or not. But how do you know if it good? And what if you don't even know how to calculate your net worth? These are some of the questions I am trying to address in this post. Simply put net worth is the sum of all your assets minus the sum of all your liabilities.

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  • Building a DIY 5.1 Audio Video Receiver – Part 2

    If you did not read part 1 of building a DIY 5.1 AVR, I suggest you start from there. Here is some important points from my previous post --

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  • Are Unschoolers Missing Out On Social Skills Development

    When ever some one learns that our kid is being unschooled, this is one of those questions that I invariably get asked. Are unschooled or home schooled kids missing out on social skills. I am certainly not an expert on the subject, but how does one assess whether a kid has developed social skills. Is shyness an indication of under development? Does participating in debates and winning them mean good development? I am really not sure. As far as I am concerned, if a kid can socialize with other kids, they have enough skills. Or may be I am being naive in thinking that way.

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  • Building a DIY 5.1 Audio Video Receiver - Part 1

    Alright, you already know the story of my electronics going puff during a power surge. One of the electronics that got burnt was my unnecessarily expensive Pioneer 5.1.2 AVR. The reason I put emphasis on unnecessary is because I rarely used all the features of the device. Don't even know why I spent all the money :). After it stopped working, I opened and checked everything that I could figure out. But I didn't notice any obvious problems. The AVR just boots up, turns on the amplifier relay and turns off. Since it failed during COVID lock down, I couldn't do much about it.

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  • Tax Filler Script

    The Indian tax filing has become even more tedious now. Going forward, starting from assessment year 2020-21 (financial year 2019-2020) one needs to report each and every equity redemption that results in long term capital gain in Schedule 112A. It used to be optional last year. Instead of reporting every transaction you could just report the aggregate value. But it is not optional anymore. This increases the burden on the tax payer especially if you have made a lot of small transactions.

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