• News - A Helpful Guide To The Investor?

    It is extremely funny to read stock market news. These days there is almost no useful news at all when it comes to investing. Makes me wonder why I still follow financial and business news. I will take up the case with a few articles that all arrived in my news feed on the same day plus some.

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  • Friends Roster – Next Friend To Call

    This is the continuation of “how I built the Friends Roster app” saga. If you missed the previous parts in this series, do check them out — part 1part 2part 3part 4part 5, part 6. To recap, I was describing how I built various screens using flutter.

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  • Why Save When You Cannot Enjoy?

    Some one asked "I don't have money before a job so cannot spend and have fun. After finding a job I have money, but I am saving for a future. So again I cannot spend. What is meaning of money? Spend it or save it or what to do?". That got me thinking. I gave them the reply and thought I should expand a bit on my blog so it might help others.

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  • Friends Roster – More Flutter Plugins

    This is the continuation of “how I built the Friends Roster app” saga. If you missed the previous parts in this series, do check them out — part 1part 2part 3part 4 and part 5. To recap I was using the following plugins in Flutter to reduce the amount of code I need to write.

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  • Task List For Our Kid

    While unschooling means free spirited learning, sometimes we like to give order to chaos. Our daughter (who is now 7) gets to do whatever she likes whenever she likes. I wanted to see how she would react if we gave her a task list.

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  • Friends Roster - Flutter Plugins

    This is the continuation of "how I built the Friends Roster app" saga. If you missed the previous parts in this series, do check them out — part 1part 2part 3 and part 4. In this post I will go into a little more details on how I built the screens with the help of Flutter plugins.

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  • How I Spend As A Minimalist

    Minimalism in general sounds a bit odd to most people. Most of the time they tend to think that minimalism means being too miserly or living on a tight budget. But the reality is not even close to anything like that. Of course we do run on a budget, but certainly not on tight budget. Likewise, we spend quite a bit where we think it makes sense. Where we don't see value, we tend to spend less. Minimalism is not about being a miser or not spending at all but about spending on stuff that is important to you.

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  • Friends Roster - Basic Design

    This is the continuation of how I built the Friend Roster app. If you have missed the previous parts in this series, do check them out -- part 1, part 2 and part 3. I wanted to build a flutter app that would let me do these basic things

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  • Two Hundred Posts And Counting

    I did not realize but I just completed 200 posts on this blog. That is unbelievable given that I did not have any plans to write for this long. Previously when I blogged (I have two other blogs), I never kept up for these many posts. Those blogs are now abandoned and probably will never see the light of another post. However, for this blog I still have a list of 30 articles that I want to cover in the future. So there is really no dearth of topics. I just need to get myself to work on them. Anyway, this is just a pat on my back sort of post and has nothing informative for you as a reader.

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  • Cleaning Refrigerator Condenser Coils

    Recently our refrigerator started to have some interesting problem. The cooling performance was becoming progressively worse by the day. Up until a month ago the weather is quite cool here in Bangalore. So food did not spoil much and we did not notice. But as the weather was warming up we observed the cooling to be not adequate. Eventually milk started to spoil. The place I live is notorious for frequent power-cuts. I wondered if that was to blame. But this never happened before even with a lot of power-cuts. I started debugging the problem and eventually found the cause. It was the condenser coils.

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