Posts in category "post-retirement" - page 16

  • How And Who Should Pay Advance Tax

    I just payed my second installment of advanced tax, so I thought I will write down the procedure. It will be like a reference for me in the future and might help some one as well. It is actually a pretty simple process that does not really warrant a post, but here we go anyway.

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  • The Sweet Spot: Comparison With MMM

    Recently Mr. Money Mustache (MMM) wrote a nice article on finding the sweet spot as applicable to various things in life. For example, a successful tech career's sweet spot is when someone has worked for 10-15 years and has accumulated a few million dollars (in the US context). The "too less" side of things is when the person is earning $15/hour. The too much side is when they have accumulated tons of wealth but at the cost of 40 years of stressful work.

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  • My Corpus Reached All Time High And I am Worried

    Just recently, my corpus has reached an all time high. I thought we are in the middle of a world wide pandemic. How come the markets don't seem to care? Agreed that I don't understand markets, but still, this is completely unreasonable. Various indices and stocks in India, as well as in the US, are hitting all time highs. But the economy is hurting. Where am I going wrong in my understanding? Well, there is nothing new happening really. Mr. Market has always been manic-depressive and probably will continue to be that way forever.

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  • Franklin Ultra Final Payment From Vodafone Segregated Fund

    Yesterday, Franklin Templeton announced that Vodafone Idea has made full payment of the principle along with interest. If you recall, a few funds from the AMC were holding Vodafone Idea papers which were downgraded to junk. As a result, Franklin has moved those papers to a segregated fund. Franklin already made a partial payment last month after it received interest payment from Vodafone. Now the AMC will be paying out the full amount from the segregated funds.

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  • Two Years Into Retirement

    This is going to be a really short post. I just completed 2 years in retirement! On this exact day in 2018, I was commuting back to home from work for the last time. It was one of the happiest day of my life. Nothing much has changed from what I have already wrote in my post after 1 year into retirement. The only thing that has changed is that I am going through a bad market cycle for the first time since I started investing in 2011. Hopefully I will come out strong after this.

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  • Does Lightening Strike Twice?

    You would think that one would learn from past mistakes. But no, not me apparently :). With in a week of the last major electronic equipment blowup, there was another lighting strike blowing up another router. That and more coming up soon. Stay tuned.

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  • Lightening Strike Destroyed My Electronics

    This post was long overdue. It happened a while ago, but I have been postponing it since there were so many other important topics to cover. While the year 2020 have given us a massive blow in the form of COVID-19, I was sustaining some other injuries along the way ;). Not physical ones though. Early in the year Franklin Ultra dropped the bomb that Vodafone papers will be marked to zero. Then COVID-19 issues started in India and the country went into a lock-down. Next, Franklin wiped out a good portion of my investment by winding up six funds. A large portion of my investment was in Franklin Ultra Short Term debt funds. That resulted in me dipping into my emergency fund for the first time. Well there is a first time for everything :).

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  • Franklin Ultra Partial Payment From Vodafone Segregated Fund

    Yesterday afternoon I was reading in the news that Vodafone Idea has made interest repayments to mutual funds. I was wondering if Franklin will be returning something back to the investors. And as expected, I did receive an email from Franklin yesterday evening. The AMC will be returning 7.58% of units worth of money back to the investors. This is some good news in the ocean of bad news surrounding Franklin. If you don't want to read the post, you can check out the video at the end of the post.

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  • The Franklin Wind-up Saga

    In a recent post, I mentioned that Franklin has started the e-voting process. Investors in the AMC's winding-up funds have started receiving emails about e-voting details and schedule. The email mentioned that the voting was supposed to happen between June 9 and 12. I was hoping that Franklin will be able to start paying some of the investors either in June or July soon after the e-voting. But it does not seem like that will happen. In a recent news, it is known that a petition was filed in Gujarat High Court (HC) against Franklin. The HC then stayed the Franklin's e-voting process.

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  • Update On Franklin Funds That Are Winding Up

    It does not seem like the problems with Franklin are going to end anytime soon. They are in news everyday for some reason or the other. The first issue I can see is that the investors will not receive any money in May. The reason? Franklin has not yet started the voting process. And until that happens I don't think they can return anything to the investors. If you recall, I was hoping Franklin will return something in May.

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