Posts in category "post-retirement" - page 17
How Much Do I Make From Ads?
This is sort of a continuation of my previous post -- truth about my passive income. Over there I mentioned that I have recently started showing ads to offset some of the expenses of running the blog. And I promised a follow up post explaining the costs and how much I am earning from ads. So here it is. I will try to keep it short because it is probably not relevant for you.
...continue readingHow Much Will I Get From Franklin Ultra Short Term
You have all read about the Franklin debacle regarding the closure of 6 Franklin India Debt Funds. Many have invested in those funds. Especially the Franklin India Ultra Short Term fund, lured by the excellent returns. I am also one of the investors in the ultra short term fund. And I have a significant portion of my debt portfolio in it. The fund came with a promise of "optimum balance between regular income and high liquidity". But now, it can neither generate regular income, nor does it have any liquidity at all. Talk about the irony :)
...continue readingFranklin Wind-up Situation
Franklin Templeton is winding up 6 yield oriented debt funds because of the liquidity situation that came about due to COVID-19. If you are invested in the following funds, you might have received an email from Franklin.
...continue readingThe Truth About My Passive Income
Many people have been wondering and some were asking if I have any other passive income other than my investments in equity and debt mutual funds. Some think that I may have some real estate income or business income or some other income that I am not disclosing. Here is a post to bust some myths and bring out the truth.
...continue readingMy Expenses Compared with MMM
Some of you might have heard of Mr. Money Mustache (MMM), who retired at the age of 30 in the US and is quite popular in the F.I.R.E world. I have always wanted to compare my expenses with him and see if I can be as good as him with my expenses. I always believe that there are some similarities when I compare myself with him (like workouts, DIY, minimalism etc). My expenses should also be similar then? You know that I have this habit of looking back at my expenses in the past year and write a post on it in the beginning of the new year. This year, MMM also posted his expenses on his blog, so it was easy for me to compare my expenses with his. So am I better at managing my expenses compared to him? Lets find out. The results may surprise you!
...continue readingHundred Posts and Counting
I passed a wonderful milestone today. This is my 100th post on this blog. I did not realize that I was so close to this milestone. When I first started I did not have any intentions of doing it for the long term. It was supposed to be just an online dairy. I wanted to pen down my daily activities and thoughts so I can recollect the memories and rediscover the days gone by. But thanks to encouragement from friends and family it grew into a blog for helping others :)
...continue readingTax Audit
I was recently audited by the Income Tax Department and thought that the whole faceless scrutiny process was interesting. So here is something about it. It seems like I was one of those people who got randomly selected for Limited Scrutiny (Computer Aided Scrutiny Selection). It was the government's way of testing out the e-Proceedings facility.
...continue readingWhat To Do During The Crisis and Lockdown?
The Indian government has called for a lockdown for 21 days. So you must all be at home with family including kids. So I am guessing you must be experiencing a taste of my life! Meanwhile the markets are doing things they are best known for, i.e. being irrational. Well, actually if you ask me, the markets seem more rational now than before. On the other hand, government and RBI are doing lots of things to overcome the negative impact of COVID-19 on people and economy. While analysts, bigwigs and news personnel are scaring the pants off us, complaining that governments are not doing enough and that there is an impending recession. It does not matter what everyone is doing, thinking or how irrational the market is, you can be more rational during these trying times and take it as an opportunity.
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The final post in 2020 Year in Review series, is my net worth. Like last year, I took stock of my investments and asset allocation. As a reminder to the readers, the idea is not to know how much I am worth, but mainly to understand my asset allocation. Even so, it is fun to check out the net worth, so here it goes.
...continue readingYear In Review - 2019 Expenses
This is the continuation of my 2019 year in review series. See my previous post if you missed my returns report. As you probably know, I maintain two set of expenses -- one for monthly expenses and another for annual expenses. The monthly expenses include expenses that occur more frequently than once a year and the rest of the expenses go into annual expenses. Lets dive deeper into the report.
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