Start Here
This page is stale. I haven’t updated it since late 2020. Some information shared here might be obsolete now.
Welcome to my blog! If you are on this page, you are probably new here. Let me start by introducing myself. I run this blog and go by my pen name re-ynd (pronounced as rewind, don't ask why the name, long story). Once in a while my better half also writes an article or two and goes by the pen name of mrs. re-ynd. We retired early at the age of 37. I started this blog to share my experience so others can plan their retirement and get a glimpse of our post retirement life.
Too much to read?
When I started the blog, I thought of writing about financial planning for early retirement. But as friends and family asked me to write more about my post retirement life, I started writing on a variety of topics. As a result, there are now more than 200 posts! New readers might find it daunting and too much to read. To help you find posts on topics of your interest I have a few links below that you can follow.
If you have all the time in the world and want to read absolutely every single article then you can start from my very first post. Then keep clicking on the NEXT post at the bottom of each post to continue to the next one. Be prepared for a long ride!
For others, follow the links based on your interest
- Financial planning: If you are here to learn about financial planning to retire early, then the topics under financial planning is a good start.
- Calculators: To help aid you in financial planning, there are several useful calculators too.
- Unschooling: If you are interested in home schooling or unschooling, read about our experiences since we are unschooling our kid
- Sustainable living: We are doing our bit in following a sustainable living life style. Read about our stories.
- DIY projects: I tend to work on a lot of do-it-yourself projects just for fun. It is one of my reasons to retire early. Check out some of my projects.
- Minimalism: You can also read about our minimalism journey if you are into that kind of thing.
- Health and fitness: I am a bit of a fitness freak and wrote a few articles on that topic if you are interested.
- Philosophy: As you grow older and hopefully wiser, philosophy is always on the cards.
Financial planning tools
If you are here primarily for the financial planning tools, then you should start with the calculators. Most of the calculators can be used online without downloading anything. Some calculators will need you to make a copy of a Google Spreadsheet and make modifications per your needs.
As an example, lets say you want to know how soon you can retire. Then use the How Soon Can You Retire calculator to find out when you can retire. Then use the How Much Do You Need To Retire calculator to find out how much money you need to retire. Next, use the Funding Child’s Education Expenses calculator to find how much you need to save for kids education. Add that to the retirement corpus you found using the previous calculator. Now that you know how much you need, the next thing to figure out is how much you need to save each month. To find that use the How Much Should I Invest? calculator which will tell you the monthly investment you need to make each year such that you will have enough corpus to fund children's education and also retire.
If on the other hand, you want to know how long your money will last then use this elaborate calculator.
Early retirement
If you are planning to retire early, the following posts might be of interest to you.
- How to Retire Early in 5 Steps
- Should You Retire Early?
- Let’s Understand Asset Classes
- The 70:30 Asset Allocation
- Invest Across Market-caps for Better Returns
- Do You Need International Exposure
- The Gilt Experiment
- How NOT To Invest in Stocks
Financial knowledge
Sometimes it is hard to tell if it is better to rent or to buy a house, or if debt funds are better than fixed deposits. Then there are questions like -- how do you find a good mutual fund or a financial planner? Do you need health insurance and life insurance? For all such questions and more, read up on the topics.
- How to Choose a Mutual Fund
- How to Choose a Debt Mutual Fund
- How to Choose a Financial Planner
- Life Insurance
- Health Insurance
- Are Index Funds Better Than Active Funds?
- Is It Better To Buy Or Rent A House?
- Debt Funds vs Fixed Deposits
- Are Sovereign Gold Bonds a Good Investment Option?
About me
If you like to know more about me, my expenses, diet, workout or my income sources, you might like these posts.
- How It Ended
- My Monthly Expenses Explained
- My Annual Expenses Explained
- My Talk On Early Retirement
- My Workout
- My Diet
- The Truth About My Passive Income
- Cash flow In Retirement
How I spend my retired life
Most people wonder what a person does after early retirement. Some asked me how my daily routine looks like. Others asked if I am bored in retirement. You will get answers to all such questions in the posts below.
- My Daily Routine: 2021 Edition
- Bored In Retirement. Not.
- Rain Water Harvesting Project
- Organic Gardening: Shade Net Setup
- Drip Irrigation Control System v2.0 and v3.0
- Building a DIY 5.1 Audio Video Receiver
- Solar Panel Project
Philosophy, minimalism and sustainable living
If you are into philosophy, minimalism or sustainable living, these posts might be of help.
- Life After You Are Long Gone
- Money Is Infinite. But Time Is Limited
- Leaving Inheritance To Children
- Practice Minimalism
- What Does Minimalism Mean To Us
- The Minimalist Wardrobe
- How To Make Homemade Compost
- How To Make Bio-Enzymes – Part II
Home schooling and un-schooling
We are unschooling our kid, which is a more extreme form of home schooling. If you want to understand our experience with home schooling or un-schooling, these are some posts to read.
- Why Do We Unschool Our Kid?
- How we went from Homeschooling to Unschooling?
- How Do Unschooled Children Learn?
- Higher Education for Homeschooled Kids
- Is Unschooling for Everyone?
Enjoy the journey...
Congratulations! You have made it to the end of the page. I have nothing much to add. Life is a journey, enjoy it.