Posts tagged with "budget" - page 2
Buying Stuff
In the past, my buying pattern used to be like this – Hmm, it has been a couple of years since I purchased my last laptop / phone / insert some tech gadget here, I think it is time to upgrade. Let me see what the latest and greatest available technology is today in the market. Core i7 with 4 cores and nVidia graphics card is the latest. What is a good laptop brand? Ok, let me buy it. Done! Do you see any issues with this kind of thinking? Well there are a lot of things that are wrong with what I just said there.
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Like last year, here is a quick overview of how the 2022 budget affects me. This is not an analysis or highlights of the budget. I am sure you can find many articles on those topics. This post is more specifically on how the budget affects my financial planning. This year’s budget has absolutely no affect on my financial planning. It is one of the shorter budget speeches. There were a lot of expectations from everyone and I wrote a post on that. Just as predicted, nothing happened. Every year, right before budget there is a lot of noise and anticipation. Budget day comes and goes and everyone is back to their routine :).
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As we draw closer to the budget for a financial year, people start to make random predictions about what might come from it. And then there are others who have expectations (wants) from the budget. This is a standard routine every year. It is such an useless exercise, but people and news media always like to do it every year without fail. During such times, I dread to open my news app because there is nothing much other than predictions and wants. No actual news. I wouldn’t do justice if I too did not join the bandwagon and produce crap news. So here is one of them.
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In the previous post I wrote about my monthly expenses. So in this post I will be covering my annual expenses in 2021. While monthly expenses are those kind of expenses that occur more frequently, yearly expenses occur rarely, perhaps once every few years like house repairs or buying a new laptop etc. Once I go over the expenses I will explain why we spent where and then we will move on to the budget for this year. Every year after retirement has been different with an interesting set of expenses that were never seen in the previous year. Last year wasn’t different either.
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By now you already know about the two kinds of expenses that I track – monthly and annual expenses. You probably also know that I publish my expense report for the past year and mull over it a bit. Then I create a new budget for the expenses for current year. Following the tradition, here is a post about my monthly expenses in 2021 and the budget for 2022.
...continue readingPurchased A New Laptop
The festival season has begun, well at least for Amazon and Flipkart. So it is time to find some good deals on all those things that you wanted to buy. Err, I mean the things that you needed to buy. Strictly speaking for a minimalist it should not matter whether it is sale time or not. If you don’t need something, don’t buy it. But of course we are all human and we fall prey to some temptations. At least I do. I have been wanting to buy a laptop for sometime now. Astute readers of my blog might already know that I have a budget. And according to my annual budget, I am allowed to buy a new laptop every 5 years. Now, I know it is probably too frequent to be buying a laptop every 5 years. But since I spend a considerable amount of my time on a laptop, it would be nice to have a decent upgrade. You know where I am going with all this don’t you? As if the title didn’t already give you a clue.
...continue readingBudget 2021 And How It Affects Me
Like last year, here is a quick overview of how the 2021 budget affects me. This is not an analysis or highlights of the budget. I am sure you can find many articles on those topics. This post is more specifically on how the budget affects my financial planning. To tell you the truth, there is nothing in the budget for me and that is a good thing! No news is good news isn't it?
...continue readingYear In Review – 2020 Expenses
This is the continuation of my 2020 year in review series. See my previous post if you missed my returns report. As you probably already know, I maintain two set of expenses — one for monthly expenses and another for annual expenses. The monthly expenses include expenses that occur more frequently than once a year and the rest of the expenses go into annual expenses. Lets dive deeper into the report.
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I am sure you already know everything you need to know about the budget by now. There are hundreds of articles covering every aspect in details. Now the question really is -- how much does it affect you? Since everybody's situation is different, their incomes and tax deductions are different, there isn't much advice that I can give. This is one of those times when I throw the clichéd answer "it depends". So instead, I thought I will pen down how it affects me.
...continue readingYear In Review - 2019 Expenses
This is the continuation of my 2019 year in review series. See my previous post if you missed my returns report. As you probably know, I maintain two set of expenses -- one for monthly expenses and another for annual expenses. The monthly expenses include expenses that occur more frequently than once a year and the rest of the expenses go into annual expenses. Lets dive deeper into the report.
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