Posts tagged with "debt"

  • Loan On Farm

    If you remember, the previous owner of our farm had a loan on the farm. They obtained the loan from a cooperative bank. At the time of registration, the agreement between us was that they will clear the loan once they receive money from us on the registration date. Once they repay the bank loan, the bank is supposed to report it to the Tahsildar office and the loan record is supposed to be cleared from our land documents. But it was easier said than done. Before receiving money, everyone agrees to all kinds of conditions. Once the money changes hands, we have to run behind them to get the things to which they agreed to do so willingly and cheerfully.

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  • Follow-up to Virtual Meetup #6

    Thank you to everyone who joined virtual meetup #6. As usual, we had some lively discussions. This post is a follow-up to that meeting to answer any questions that I could not answer at the time. So here goes –

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  • How To Plan Your Financial Independence

    Several people have routinely asked me whether I planned for this or that before deciding to retire early. Well I planned the way that works for me under my circumstances. There is no one size fits all and no one comprehensive definite solution. None the less, since so many people have this question about how to go about planning for financial independence, I thought I should write a post about it.

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  • My Corpus Reached All Time High And I am Worried

    Just recently, my corpus has reached an all time high. I thought we are in the middle of a world wide pandemic. How come the markets don't seem to care? Agreed that I don't understand markets, but still, this is completely unreasonable. Various indices and stocks in India, as well as in the US, are hitting all time highs. But the economy is hurting. Where am I going wrong in my understanding? Well, there is nothing new happening really. Mr. Market has always been manic-depressive and probably will continue to be that way forever.

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  • Not Saving For Kid Was a Lie

    I've said this several times before that I've not been saving anything for my kid. It is high time that I come out with the truth. I was lying. Well, sort of. Every year on my daughter's birthday, her grand parents from both sides gift her money. The money is not a small amount. It is large enough that they transfer the money to my account asking me to save up for her future. I guess they don't like my radical thoughts when it comes to saving for kid's future? Either way, they have been doing it since my daughter's first birthday in 2014.

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  • Asset Allocation Explained

    In my earlier post on How to Retire Early in Five Steps, I briefly touched upon asset allocation in step #3. In this post, I go into a bit more detail into how one should go about asset allocation for early retirement. Before understanding asset allocation, you need to understand asset classes. If you have not read my post on asset classes, head on over to that post.

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  • Would You Rather Have Freedom or Stuff?

    One of the most important trait that people who want to retire early need to practise is minimalism. If you keep buying more stuff, you will take longer to retire. I made this mistake early in my life, but I was not too late to correct course. Especially because some of the things come with a burden of lifetime maintenance; for example owning a car. The constant repairs, upkeep and insurance keep adding to your expenses. Not just vehicles but every single thing that you own, ends up owning you. So if you would rather have freedom, you have to give up stuff. This is in continuation of step 2 of How to Retire Early in 5 Steps — Rid Yourself of Debt and Save Aggressively.

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  • Borrow From Future or Gift Yourself in Future?

    Would you borrow a gift from the future or would you rather save up for a surprise gift in the future? That is how taking a loan vs saving works. If you take a loan, then you are borrowing money from your future. If you are saving, you will gift yourself a surprise in the future. Make your choice. In this post, I want to elaborate a bit more on step 2 of How to Retire Early in 5 Steps – Rid Yourself of Debt and Save Aggressively.

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  • How to Retire Early in 5 Steps

    Achieving early retirement is not really as difficult as most people think. But it certainly is not for everyone. Some may not like not being able to work and stay at home, some may not be ready for the simple retired life, some may feel anxious about finances (even if their corpus is as big as they wanted it to be). Going into early retirement requires the stomach to handle all those and much more. For most, it may be fulfilling to work and keep themselves busy that way. For the rest, these 5 steps will help you get started on your journey to early retirement.

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