Posts tagged with "expenses"
Year In Review - 2024 Monthly Expenses
Another year and another review of our monthly expenses. Time to check where we have spent the most in 2024 and see if we are with in the budget. I will also be going over our inflation numbers starting from my financial independence till date, which is a good 7 years. At the end of the post I will prepare a new budget of monthly expenses for the year 2025. Let’s get started.
...continue readingWhy Is Financial Planning So Hard?
I’ve seen people with various kinds of behaviors when it comes to financial planning. I find it strange. Perhaps it is not strange. Perhaps it is just their history and their experiences in life that make them behave in a certain fashion. I have seen people living in the moment and not worrying about the future and I have seen people with a lot of assets who could have retired 10 years ago, but wouldn’t. The worst part is that they still worry and stress out about losing their job. I am like, – “Dude, if you lose your job, that is the best thing to happen in your life. You can enjoy all the super huge assets that you have saved up”. Crazy world I tell you or perhaps crazy me (more likely).
...continue readingReached A Milestone
We have finally reached an important milestone! But not in a good way :(. While we are sort of minimalists, we still spend quite a bit. As a result, we recently reached a milestone of Rs. 50 lakhs spent on various expenses since we became financially independent in January 2018. Generally people should be proud of their achievements, but this is not one of them :). Still, it is not all too bad. According to my projections of expenses I should have reached the Rs. 50L lakhs milestone by end of 2022, yet we did not reach it until July 2024. So not too bad.
...continue readingWhat Is The Right Asset Allocation
In discussions with various people, the question about asset allocation always comes up. Some want to know what asset allocation they should follow. Others question my asset allocation. Unfortunately, there is no one answer for what asset allocation one should go with. Everyone’s situation is different and their risk appetite is different. They should go wih an asset allocation that they are comfortable with. If they can’t figure it out by themselves, then they should hire a financial planner who can tell them what asset allocation to go with given their situation and mindset. If you push me to give one number, I always say 70% in equity and the rest in fixed income if you plan to retire early, but even otherwise too. In this post I want to go into some nuances.
...continue readingChanges To Extraordinary Items Reporting
Recently I made some changes to how I report my extraordinary items. These items could be expenses or income. An extraordinary item is an unusual expense or income that is not accounted for in budget. Generally, I have planned expenses and have a budget for them, but in some rare cases, I had either unexpected income or expense that was not planned. Earlier, I used to consider all extraordinary income as growth in corpus and all extraordinary expenses as growth in expenses. But lately I have changed the reporting. Now, both extraordinary expense and income are considered as growth or drop in corpus. I applied the changes retroactively to all old expenses too. Read on to understand why I made this change.
...continue readingYear In Review - 2023 Annual Expenses
In the previous post I wrote about my monthly expenses. This is the continuation of that post and I will be covering my annual expenses in 2023. While monthly expenses are those kind of expenses that occur more frequently, yearly expenses occur rarely, perhaps once every few years like house repairs or buying a new car etc. I will explain where we are spending the most and why. Remember that for all the expenses, whether monthly or annual, the money is coming out of my retirement corpus which consists of a bunch of debt and equity mutual funds. There are no other incomes or special savings for annual expenses. Last year’s annual expenses were low because thankfully we did not have any big ticket item like buying a car.
...continue readingYear In Review - 2023 Monthly Expenses
It is about time I reviewed my monthly expenses for the past year. I do this activity at the start of every year. There are two kinds of expenses I track. One is monthly expenses which sort of appear most months like food expenses, internet etc. Then there are those expenses that occur once a year or once every few years. Those are considered as annual expenses. In today’s post I will go over the monthly expenses of last year and how it compares with the budget I made at the start of 2023. Lets also look at inflation since my retirement. Later in the post I will inflate my monthly expenses and set a budget for 2024. Lets dig in then.
...continue readingSolar System Comparison with MKBHD
Some of you may already know MKBHD, a popular youtuber in the tech world. He recently posted a video about the going completely solar and not having to pay an electricity bill for a whole year. It is a very well made video which explains how the solar panel system works with batteries (off grid) and with net metering (on grid). Although I don’t have net metering and I am not completely off grid, so mine is a hybrid approach. Still, if you watch the video it will help you understand how my setup works (sort of). My setup is closer to the hybrid system explained in another video. Anyway, I wanted to compare my puny setup with MKBHD’s setup and see how I compare. So here goes.
...continue readingWatch The Lifestyle Creep
Have you ever though about why your expenses keep going up year after year? Perhaps you say your expenses haven’t increased that much since last year. But if you compare your expenses today with expenses some 10 years ago, you will see a huge difference. Why is that? Well you can attribute it to inflation. However, that is not the only culprit. The other culprit is lifestyle creep. And because it creeps in so slowly you can be forgiven for not recognizing it. If you don’t watch the lifestyle creep, you are in for a surprise when you do your retirement planning.
...continue readingWhere Are The Expenses?
When I write or talk about our expenses post retirement, many people want to know how I decide which expenses go into which category. Remember, I keep a record of all our expenses and categorize them. I bundle them into monthly and annual expenses. What some people have noticed is the absence of certain categories like spending on eating out or for buying clothes or shoes etc. So I thought I’d do a quick post on where those missing expenses go so there is no confusion. First lets check the categories I have for monthly expenses –
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