Posts in category "health" - page 2

  • Macronutrients: Fat

    We have come to the final macro nutrient -- fat, which has got a poor rapport with health. But there is more to it than meets the eye. Fat is not as bad as they are made out to be. Fats are blamed for build up of cholesterol which is in turn related to many of the heart diseases. But did you know that eating the right type of fat can actually reduce cholesterol? More importantly, your body needs fat in good quantity, and hence it is a macro nutrient. Lets find out more about fat, what to eat and how much to eat.

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  • Macronutrients: Proteins

    Continuing my health series, today I want to talk about proteins, one of the three macronutrients. I already discussed at length about the importance of carbohydrates in my previous posts, so now it is the turn of proteins. While carbohydrates provide energy to do work, proteins provide amino acids, the building blocks for cells and muscles. Since our body is constantly replacing cells and repairing our body, it needs adequate amount of amino acids to do its work properly. There are 20 types of amino acids, but only nine of them are essential, which means our body cannot make them and we need to provide those via the food we eat. The rest of the amino acids can be made by the body.

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  • Dietary Fiber, GI and GL

    I know that this health series is stretching quite a bit, but I have to write a few more posts before ending the topic. You see, I initially wanted to write just one post on how to eat healthy, but then as I started writing, the post became too long and I decided to split it into three parts. But even as I was splitting I knew I had to give more information, because the thing about eating healthy does not end with "eat these foods and you will be fine". It goes a bit more deep and I have to explain why we need to eat them and the nuances associated with them. So if you are feeling bored already, brace for more boredom in the coming weeks as I continue this health series :)

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  • Carbohydrates - How Much To Eat

    As a continuation of my previous post, I want to touch upon the topic of how much to eat with respect to carbohydrates. Hopefully, you understood which food items have good carbohydrates, and that solves the question about quality. What about quantity? In this post, I want to cover the quantity of carbs that one should eat. Remember that when it comes to food, quantity is as important as quality. Just because you are eating healthy carbs does not mean you can eat any amount. Well, actually if you are eating quality food, you will not be able to eat a lot of it really.

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  • Carbohydrates - What to Eat

    In my previous post, I gave a brief introduction to eating healthy food, but I did not divulge into too much details as to what constitutes a healthy diet. This post is a continuation of it. What is a healthy diet then? Actually there isn't much to say about healthy food. Almost everyone knows what is healthy and what is not. So I won't even try to enumerate them. Staying healthy has more to do with the grit and self control more than anything else. You subconsciously already know when you are about to eat unhealthy.

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  • Eating Healthy

    Several people approach me for advice on eating healthy and staying fit. And I have helped quite a few and even trained them at the gym so they could become healthy and fit. But I never succeeded in keeping them healthy or fit. Because it is much harder to change a person's mindset than changing habits and without a mindset change the new habits won't stick and they fall back to old habits. When it comes to health and fitness, it is a like an impossible ideal. It is as difficult, if not more, to continue to stay healthy than achieving it. But since so many people are asking about some health tips, I thought I will write one with my experiences.

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